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Common Law of England was the law the Australian people adopted for their nation in 1901. It was to be administered through their Constitution under its proscribed Separation of Powers; being the Parliament, Executive and Judiciary for a Common Law Parliament consisting of three components: the Monarch representing the Governor General, the Senate, and the Monarch represented by the Speaker of the House of Representatives being the Common Law of a Constitutional Monarchy Parliament ~~ law which was intended to be changed only by a referendum of the people of a free Constitutional society.

Admiralty or Marine Law is the Law of the Sea. It was Marine Law which deceitful politicians, judiciaries and courts deliberately and illegally introduced into Australia progressively and more intensively since 1986; Marine Law which they have deceitfully use to apply greater independent discretionary control and force upon and over the sovereign rights of the people ~~ introduced jointly, therefore illegally, by the no longer Separate Powers of Parliament, Government and Judiciary and without the peoples required referendum, which constituted the Law of a dictatorship.

By the 1980s it appeared that the majority of the Australian people wished to separate from the United Kingdom Government and form their own sovereign nation. In taking advantage of the perceived public opinion for change, the Labor Party Government deceitfully seized upon an opportunity to introduce a number of socialistic measures of administration in 1986 through a proposed referendum. This referendum was to include the separation from the UK in order to appease the Australian people ~~ however, no referendum was held in 1986. Nevertheless Labor politicians proceeded to deceitfully introduce Republican designed policy. Hidden within such, were the introduction of Marine Law and the progressive departure of Common Law and which included their evil intention for a dictatorship.

The Labor politicians realised the people would see through their proposed gerrymandered referendum, and decided to secretly and deceitfully introduced a Republic Government in their enactment of the Australia Act of 1986 without the consent of the Australian people or our Sovereign Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom, an illegal Act which was subsequently accepted by both the equally nefarious Liberal and National Party politicians.

The Liberal National Party Prime Minister John Howard held a referendum of the people in 1999 which failed. The object of this referendum was to introduce a more dictatorial and controlled form of government over the people by treasonable Constitutional ignoring politicians.

While the politicians, judges and lawyers have been vigilantly and illegally laying down their unconstitutional statute Marine Republican Law upon the common people for a period of 35 years or more ~~ these sinful political traitors, who constituted the so called three tiers of democratic government, have themselves failed to observe the Common Law of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act of 1901 and have committed thousands of illegal and therefore unlawful Acts of parliament by their unconstitutional governments ~~ all of which amounts to horrendously evil and willful treason by the politicians upon the people.

In view of the fact no honourable politician or judicial person has stood up and demanded the repudiation of this mountain of corrupt legislation, but have joined the offending Republican administration, such treason condemns 99.9% of politicians, judges and lawyers of our nation as being the lowest form of cursed humanity conceivable ~~ all of whom should be jailed for life without inquiry or trial along with the two evils who were responsible for the Tasmanian Port Arthur massacre ~~ the two being Prime Minister John Winston Howard and the escaped mass-murdering professional marksman who was engaged by JWH to execute the shooting murders ~~ and release the tortured Martin Bryant who was wrongfully jailed for life without inquiry or trial and appropriately compensate this willfully wronged man and his family.

Colin Uebergang ~~ 1/11/2020

On 14 October 1867, Sir Samuel was admitted as a barrister of the Supreme Court of Queensland. He commenced a period of 25 years of practice at the private bar. He supported Common Law which is the basis of The Constitution of Australia.

Martin John Bryant is a convicted Australian accused mass shooter who allegedly murdered 35 people and injured 23 others in the Port Arthur massacre, Tasmania, Australia, between 28 and 29 April 1996.

John Winston Howard, (AKA Howard-the-Coward) the REAL MURDERER.

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