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Thomson Reuters financial crime and regulation expert Nathan Lynch.(Supplied: Thomson Reuters)

Westpac CEO, Gail Kelly 2008-15

Westpac CEO Brian Hartzer 2015-19

Current Westpac CEO, Peter King 




AUSTRAC ~~ the Australian Governments Transaction Reports & Analysis Centre found that the top executive people of Westpac Banking Corporation had engaged in 23 million breaches of money laundering and organised crime which involved administrative paedophile engagement.

It is therefore impossible to believe, given the magnitude of the crime and child harming activities of Westpac’s Board and CEO’s, that their personal depraved involvement in paedophile activity was not the purposeful motivation for this off-shore sexual perversion. It was conducted in secrecy from the knowledge of business associates and their families and all this personal evilness was excused as it resulted in a massive financial gain for Westpac Bank. 

It is also believed it was these criminal activities of the Westpac Board and CEO members, that extended over decades and led to their distorted personal morality and departure of professional banking ethics that resulted in the ruinous victimisation, bankrupt and stolen assets of thousands of Westpac’s financially exposed borrowing clients.

AUSTRAC discovered Westpac had criminally exploited the AML/CTF Act 23 million times, many of which involved paedophilia exploitation of young foreign children. It is therefore reasonable to assume this systemic criminal and depraved paedophile participating activity was an engagement of Westpac’s management being the present 25 year serving and recently elevated Peter King now CEO who followed the arrogantly repulsive and condemned Brian Hartzer’s 2015 to 2019 period, and the 2008 to 2015 CEO period of Gail Kelly.

It would seem that paedophile behaviour took precedence over the professional expectations of the above nefarious people, who in association with the banks Chairpersons and Board members of the same period and given the magnitude and extended period of the crimes had made it impossible for Westpac’s management to be excused from lengthy prison sentencing as would apply to common person who had been found guilty of such criminal activity.

Colin Uebergang ~~ 24/11/2020   

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