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Colin Uebergang


By:  Colin Uebergang

In 2020 Colin Uebergang wrote the non-for-profit book ‘MY POLITICISED WORSTPAC BANK TRAGIDY’ which has exposed the fraudulent activity of Westpac Banking Corporation along with a hundred years of criminal intent of this private bank which has been condoned by the corrupt politicians in their joined nefarious perpetrations upon the unsuspecting but now awakening hard working Australian people, who have, through these years, struggled to procure non-usury stable interest finance to develop and achieve the productive expectation of their various industries and satisfy their personal financial needs.

The Right To Issue Credit Money

1941 - USA

On September 30 Marriner Eccles the Governor of the Federal Reserve System gave testimony before the House Committee on Banking and Currency. The purpose of the hearing was to obtain information regarding the role of the Federal Reserve in creating conditions that led to the depression of the 1930s. Congressman Wright Patman, who was Chairman of that committee, asked how the Fed got the money to purchase two billion dollars worth of government bonds in 1933.

"Eccles: We created it.

Patman: Out of what?

Eccles: Out of the right to issue credit money.

Patman: And there is nothing behind it, is there, except our government's credit?

Eccles: That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn't be any money."

In the spring of 1941, President Roosevelt ordered the navy to patrol the shipping lanes to Europe. In November 1941 the Neutrality Act was partially repealed. By the end of hostilities in 1945, 400,000 US troops were dead and 60 million people worldwide. The war ended in 1945.

1942 - England

In his William Temple's initiative the Archbishop of Canterbury, using typical English understatement, wrote:

"In the case of money, we are dealing with something which is handled in our generation by methods that are extremely different from those in vogue a century or half-century ago….we have now reached a stage where something universally needed - namely money, or credit which does duty for money - has become in effect a monopoly…

"The private issue of new credit should be regarded in the modern world in just the same way in which the private minting of money was regarded in earlier times. The banks should be limited in their lending power to the amount deposited by their clients, while the issue of newer credit should be the function of public authority.

"This is not in any way to censure the banks or bankers. They have administered the system entrusted to them with singular uprightness and ability and public spirit. But the system has become anomalous, and, as so often happens when anomaly has persisted through a long period of time, the result is to make into the master what ought to be the servant."[1]

1944 - USA

IMF and World Bank Articles of Agreement are formulated at the International Monetary and Financial Conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Forty-four countries participated.

[1] As quoted in Ch. 20, The Lost Science of Money

James A. Garfield


“Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce...when you realize that the entire system is very easily

controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”

James A. Garfield


“The divorce between Church and State ought to be absolute. It ought to be so absolute that no Church property anywhere, in any state or in the nation, should be exempt from equal taxation; for if you exempt the property of any church organization, to that extent you impose a tax upon the whole community.”



Part 44 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 prevents politicians having an allegiance or an obedience to a foreign power ~~ why does this Act not apply to the legal profession?

Under this curiosity of foreign law, (The Bar), the corrupt legal fraternity of Australia hides before appearing and representing an accused victim of society before an equally corrupt judge ~~ this is insidiously accepting foreign interference in Australian law ~~ which in my opinion is also against the intention of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act of 1901.

The British BAR intrudingly overshadows the Australian BAR Association which functions as the Australian Law Society and historically consists of what is known as an Adversarial System of law and is not necessarily, in itself, a matter of investigative truth, but is one where the court is the arbitrator between the legally represented accused and the so called prosecutor on behalf of the Crown.

Since 1973 the Australian crown (Ac) has been the factitious neutral-gender queen of Australia which was treasonably introduced by corrupt politicians deliberately without a confirming referendum of the people ~~ in other words, Australia now has an indictable and corrupt system of jurisdiction which extends through all advocates of the judiciary from the lowly lawyer to the elevated judge. Excluding the United Kingdom, European countries use an Inquisitorial System of law, an explanation of which will be given at the conclusion of this common order opinion of the Australian justice system.

A further criticism of this Adversarial System of law in Australia is that the practicing legal profession, is required to be registered to this foreign derived authority and must directs their FIRST ALLEGIANCE to this trespassing foreign authority ~~ their SECOND ALLEGIANCE is to the paying and almost always the disrespected and deceived accused client.


In the process of convicting the accused within this Adversarial System of law there are BAR accredited lawyers representing both the accused and the Australian crown which results in one lawyer proving the other wrong and often guilty of perjury. The consequent failure to prove innocence for the accused by the failing lawyer also subjects this lawyer to being guilty in supporting an indictable offence, which carries a five year jail sentence.

According to; [Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) ss 241, 267] ~~ those who encourage or give aid for the offence are known as accessories to the crime. It is also an offence to comfort or assist a person after an offence has been committed.

While, for those of this Adversarial System of jurisdiction, who now have imposed unconstitutional statute Admiralty Law of the Sea over the people ~~ being convenient to argue an accessories excuse for the BAR-accredited lawyer to be available and required as an essential protection for the accused ~~ it is also an elevated protected breeding ground for professional judicial crime ~~ extending to nefarious illegal activity which has been passed on and off as legal justice for the people accused.

The 2020 result of the foregone injustice of the justice system of Australia has shown complete corruption of the constitutionally required Separation of Powers between the Parliament, Executive and Judiciary system ~~ all of which have become a homogenised state of self-preservation of iniquitous law. This ceases to have the capacity to correct internal crime within its own political, bureaucratic and judicial systems ~~ in other words the Australian legal system is totally corrupt.

As mentioned; the Inquisitorial System of European law, which gives more immediate, fast and less costly results, is a system where the court itself becomes actively involved with trained legal investigators in establishing the impending and observed facts of a case rather than allowing highly paid Adversary (legal teams for astronomical personal gain) producing and arguing ancient precedents (some up to a hundred years ago) resulting often in years of prolonged and prejudicial legal judgements. This contrasts with the Inquisitorial System which provides justice for the people based on research discovered evidence of fact in relation to the accused offence ~~ with far less personal greed opportunity for the thousands of opportunists of the Adversary legal profession.

The prevailing law in Australia in this new century is no longer the law based on the peoples Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act of 1901, but the law of the legal outlaws who have devised, developed and engineered the lawless corrupt agenda of the One World Corporate political establishment that has invaded and stolen the sovereign rights and accomplished initiatives of the people with its established fascism and socialism, which in my opinion, has led to its control objective of fragmenting and financially destroying the common people of Australia.

Colin Uebergang ~~ 15/10/2020     

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